Grades Taught
Here at Harry Gray Elementary, we believe in striving to encourage active independence and life-long learning through programs that recognize the diversity of individual abilities and interests. We work to create an environment which develops and extends knowledge, skills, adaptability, self-worth, respect and responsibility. It is our goal to provide an atmosphere and a safe environment where each student has pride in the school, in one's self and in individual and collective accomplishments. We want your child to be happy and successful at Harry Gray support for your child. We believe that communication among parents, students and teachers is critical in assuring student success. - Cheryl Gascoyne, Principal
Cheryl Gascoyne
Vice Principal - Jocelyn Breland
A Life of Learning
Mission Statement
At Harry Gray we believe in lifelong learning. We recognize, honor and celebrate the leaders within us! We…
Love learning.
Excel in all we do.
Achieve goals together.
Do what is right.
‘To develop a working partnership between students, staff, family and community while enhancing the whole child academically, socially and emotionally by providing a safe, caring learning environment.’ Harry Gray Elementary School strives to encourage active independent life-long learners through programs that recognize the diversity of individual abilities and interests. We work to create a positive, safe learning environment which develops and extends knowledge, skills, adaptability, self-worth, respect and responsibility, for the rights of the group. It is our goal to provide an atmosphere and environment where each member has pride in the school, in individual and in collective accomplishments. We promote a nurturing, supportive environment where the rights, responsibilities and needs of all members are accepted and a sense of well-being, personal accomplishment and self-worth is recognized.
A Life of Learning
Harry Gray Elementary School Strives to encourage active independent life-long learners through leadership.
It is our goal to provide a safe and caring environment where each member has pride in the school, in one’s self and in individual and collective accomplishments.
We promote a nurturing, supportive environment where the rights, responsibilities and needs of all members are accepted and a sense of well-being, personal accomplishment and self-worth is recognized.